segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018

New Quilled Paper Anatomy by Lisa Nilsson
Paper artist Lisa Nilsson (previously) recently completed a number of new anatomical pieces using her profoundly incredible skill with quilling, a tedious process where paper is tightly wound into small rolls and then assembled into larger artworks. The natural formation of the paper coupled with Nilsson’s ability to identify the precise materials to mimic organic structures makes each artwork appear uncannily like actual cross-sections of humans and animals. The artist has a number of new works currently on display at the Boston Art Gallery as part of the exhibition Teaching the Body: Artistic Anatomy in the American Academy through March 31, 2013.

por ahora las palabras son
marcas que los dedos dejan en la piel
cuando ya no hay restos de la voz en el habla
en el momento en que con lentitud
escribo el silencio en el cuerpo
como movimiento imperfecto de la respiración
acepto lágrimas

Maria Sousa

o fundo das coisas nas coisas sem fundo
cair-me todo para caber no mundo

Pedro Sena-Lino

Dimitri Spijk
Toysoldiers Skull, click on the link below to see more .