sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018

... Todas as brisas estão de acordo: eu sou vento. (blog anão gigante
anatomia do chocolate
Human embryo at 7 weeks gestation, measuring approximately 14 mm (crown to rump). the fingers and face are developing and growing rapidly but are still forming their shape. It is possible to clearly see the formation of the skull, which begins to close, which will form the fontanelle (“soft spots”) that subsequently shut as children grow, creating a suture in the skull. This openness facilitates at birth in normal delivery, and allows the growth of the child’s brain.
give me the words "In a manner of speaking, I just want to say that I could never forget the way you told me everything by saying nothing. In a manner of speaking I don't understand how love in silence becomes reprimand, but the way that i feel about you is beyond words.(...)" NOUVELLE VAGUE - In a Manner of speakin
"O coração é uma riqueza que não se vende e não se compra. O coração é uma riqueza que se dá." Gustave Flaubert
na pele do beijo, o desejo
como se não chegasse é dia oficial de ouvir "Last Xmas" este ano #ninguémerece #terrorismoviarádio #começoumadasépocasdemaisofrimentonoano #quarta_feirasucks #aindaéNovembro